
Thomas Raddall

Atlantic Fiction Award


The Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia manages five literary awards that are awarded during the Atlantic Book Awards gala, including the Thomas Raddall Atlantic Fiction Award, valued at $30,000 for the winning title. Established with the ongoing support from the Raddall family of Liverpool, Nova Scotia, this award honours the work of fiction writers in the Atlantic region and, as the family envisioned, provides “the gift of time and peace of mind” so essential to the creation of new work.

2024 SHORTLIST (* Winner)

  • Violet Browne, This is the House Luke Built, Goose Lane Editions

  • Charlene Carr, Hold My Girl, HarperCollins

  • Amanda Peters, The Berry Pickers, HarperCollins

  • William Ping, Hollow Bamboo, HarperCollins

  • * Michelle Porter, A Grandmother Begins the Story, Viking Canada

Submissions and Guidelines

A writer may win the Thomas Raddall Atlantic Fiction Award a maximum of three times. YA titles are ineligible for this award and should be submitted to the Ann Connor Brimer Award. Plays are ineligible for this award. For the 2024 award, the eligibility year runs from November 2, 2022, to November 1, 2023.